This week in Antarctica was hotter than Spain

This week in Antarctica is hotter than in Spain. On the southernmost continent of our planet thermometer for the first time showed 69,3 F (over +20,7 °C). The record temperature was recorded by Brazilian scientists on the island of Seymour 9 Feb. The temperature in Antarctica broke the previous record of 67.6 F (almost +20 °C), registered in the Isle of Xinyi in January 1982. This is the second temperature…

February 14, 2020

As storms and hurricanes get their names?

Every storm and hurricane has its own name. What — solve the world meteorological Agency. The national hurricane center of the United States (NHC) was responsible for naming tropical cyclones in 1953, but currently this process is controlled by the international Committee of the world Meteorological Organization. In Europe the names of the storms give the Meteorological office UK, Weather Ireland, Met Éireann and the Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands…

February 13, 2020

The first supermoon 2020 you will see this weekend

The first full moon of February coincides with the amazing phenomenon called «Supermoon»: the moment when the moon is at the closest distance from the Earth. First superlon 2020 will illuminate the night sky in the upcoming weekend. The full moon, the Earth’s inhabitants will be able to enjoy all weekend: superlon will be out on Friday, February 9, and will illuminate the night sky until Monday morning. NASA reports…

February 6, 2020

In Groundhog Day Punxsutawney Phil predicted the US early spring

The most famous Groundhog in the United States this year pleased with the forecast of Americans, it seems, we will have an early spring. Yesterday, February 2, Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil, who lives in Pennsylvania, saw his shadow, which means that the US is coming early spring. Soon after, the Groundhog of new York, Staten island Chuck, confirmed «forecast» Phil for an early spring, also not seeing his shadow. This…

February 3, 2020

Earthquake by force 7,7 points occurred in the Caribbean sea between Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and Cuba

United States geological survey (USGS) said Tuesday, 28 January, at 19:10 in the Caribbean, a powerful earthquake by force 7,7 points. This was followed by a statement from the Pacific center of tsunami warning (PTWC). During the disaster were evacuated employees of the several offices in Miami (Florida) and in some parts of Jamaica. Initially, the PTWC said «hazardous tsunami waves» may appear off the coast located within 300 km…

January 30, 2020

Animal protection organization calls to replace famous Groundhog Phil with robot

January 30, 2020

Animal advocates are calling guardians of predicting the weather, Punxsutawney Groundhog to let him resign and be replaced by a robot. This week the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club letter with a statement that it is time to change a beloved American tradition. «Every year on 2 February, Groundhog Day, Phil pulled out of the hole, being photographed with flashes…


Frozen iguanas falling from trees in Florida. Some have used this to sell their meat online

Sometimes it’s so cold out that the Florida iguanas simply cannot cope — and literally falling from the trees. «Usually we don’t make such predictions, warned the National Weather Service residents of Miami on Tuesday — but don’t be surprised if you see trees falling iguanas». Really soon, one of the reporters of the local news channel 10 Local News stumbled across a frozen reptile that had fallen from the…

January 23, 2020

7 natural disasters that can happen at any moment (and destroy almost all of us)

January 23, 2020

When in the past months in Australia raging wildfires that killed up to one billion animals, many people around the globe asked the question: what disaster is next? Due to climate change, human activities and other factors, natural disasters are becoming more common. But some may be worse than others. Much. The eruption of the Yellowstone SUPERVOLCANO Yellowstone national Park sits on top of a SUPERVOLCANO, the width of which…


Anomalous winter: in new York, beaten temperature record warm in January

On the calendar, we will remind, on January, but on the past weekend in new York it was more like spring. According to the National weather service, the temperature in Central Park on Saturday morning had reached 65 degrees, surpassing a record high of 63 degrees in 1975 (respectively +18 and +17 Celsius). «Record high temperatures were set today in Central Park, LaGuardia, and Newark (new Jersey). Temperature as of…

January 13, 2020

Tornadoes in the United States: wind overturned trucks and destroyed (video)

A hurricane-force wind in Arkansas and Texas in the night from Friday to Saturday, January 11, turned trucks along the highways. In Arkansas, St. Francis was the site blocked interstate 40 (Interstate 40) after the wind knocked over seven to ten trucks. In Texas, the wind flipped an 18-wheel vehicle in the County of Dallas. According to FOX 4, the truck fell into the grass next to Interstate 635 in…

January 11, 2020